Panty-Liners Part IV: Just Kidding…..
No, I’m not really counting this as a post… shut-up! (the other three I am counting though!)
A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.
No, I’m not really counting this as a post… shut-up! (the other three I am counting though!)
First rule in wearing women’s feminine products, when you’re not a woman: don’t tell anyone about it, no matter how funny you think the story is to share.
I’ve been taking a bit of heat lately for something that I did last Wednesday night. You see, I play softball and tend to scrape up my knee quite badly when sliding into bases. This is nothing new, it has been happening ever since I’ve played.
- I know this is like 3-4 weeks old...but it deserves a link. There's no Hasselhoff like a drunken-burger-munchin' Hasselhoff. Hilarious!! (No one ever accused me of being on the cutting edge of breaking entertainment news.
I've wanted to post something like this for a while. One of my favourite things to do on the web is to start reading about something on Wikipedia, and then see what I'm reading about 1/2 hour later, and how completely different the topic is, after having clicked from link to link within the on-line tome.....and then of course wondering, 'how the hell are these things even remotely linked to one another?'.
I've been kinda ho-hum about ye ole blog all year long. The main reason is because I was tracking year-over-year hits and since I had no data to compare to for the first few months I was showing unbelievable growth. The problem is that it was about this time last year I started viewing my own posts about 50 times a day and now I have to actually try to maintain the growth level.