Rants in Your Pants

A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Fox and American Idol Thinks Everyone Is A Moron

For the last few years, there has been a website called votefortheworst.com who rally behind the latest 'worst of the worst' of American Idol and ask you to vote for them to ruin the show. When asked to comment on this site, Fox and the American Idol producers have repeatedly maintained that given the number of hits to the pirate website, there is no way that their presence could impact on the overall winner.


First, if its not true, how does it explain the most recent voting which put perhaps the worst singer of all Idol-dom in the top 4:

Secondly, how can they say that hundreds of thousands of potential voters have no influence on the outcome and then practically beg its audience to cast their individual votes to keep their favourites in?
I'll tell you how...they think their audience are complete idiots...and if you're one of the people casting votes (or reading this blog for that matter) they're probably right.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Movie Review Time...

I watched the video-game-inspired horror flick "Silent Hill" this past weekend. I had read some bad stuff about it, but I love horror movies... so I watch the stuff I already know will suck anyway. Here is my synopsis/review of the film:

This little girl keeps having bad dreams and she screams "Silent Hill" out loud during the course of them. Her mother decides that they can cure whatever ails her by going to one of the most haunted locations in their immediate vicinity- aptly named Silent Hill. On the way there they take a wrong turn or something and accidentally step into a steaming shit pile of a movie...also aptly named "Silent Hill". The channel gets switched onto some low-budget soft core porn on Showcase.....i fall asleep in my own indignity..the end.

rating- 3 1/2 stars out of 5. (to recap 3 1/2 stars= would rather stab myself repeatedly in the pancreas with a butter knife).

Friday, March 09, 2007

Nail Gun Producers of the World, I Challenge Thee...

Why can't you find a decent nail gun nowadays? I don't get it. Over the past couple of years or so, I remember reading at least two articles in the 'weird news' section of cnn.com about guys accidentally shooting themselves in the head/face with a nail gun and surviving. One guy shot himself about 10-12 times, piercing his brain, and the other shot himself in the roof of the mouth and didn't even know he did it until he went to the dentist a few days later complaining of a nagging tooth ache.

Today I go onto CNN...and lo' and behold, some 17 year-old kid shot himself in the heart.....with (you guessed it) a nail gun....and again, he survived.

So, I have a challenge to all you nail gun manufacturers out there: Make a better, deadlier product. I beg of you! Honestly, how can you sleep at night knowing that your products can't even take down these retards that keep shooting themselves in the face and heart??? If you need a test subject to try your tools on before they go back to market, I would suggest Eddie Van Halen. For the love of God, look at the guy (this post's picture, in case you didn't recognize the guitar god)...you would be doing him a big favour.

.....and speaking of retards..take a look at this article about a new invention to help people "Roll Up The Rim". Has it come to this? really??? Broken finger nails and teeth full of wads of wax???? Are you rolling up the rim of a coffee cup or getting funky in the S&M section of Madame Tussaud's??? For Christ's sake...if you honestly can't roll up the rim properly, or figure out how to do so without physical inconvenience, ask yourself this question: Have I used a nail gun in the past three days?

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Slam Dancer #5

I had a dream last night. I barely ever dream...or at least remember my dreams. When I do, they are usually strange...giant flowers chasing me and such. Last night I dreamt I was in a couples dance contest..and my partner was Barak Obama. We finished runner up to a couple known only as "Mika and Slam Dancer #5"...the final dance off (unfortunately for Barak and I) was in the style of slam. Fuckers!