Fox and American Idol Thinks Everyone Is A Moron
For the last few years, there has been a website called who rally behind the latest 'worst of the worst' of American Idol and ask you to vote for them to ruin the show. When asked to comment on this site, Fox and the American Idol producers have repeatedly maintained that given the number of hits to the pirate website, there is no way that their presence could impact on the overall winner.
First, if its not true, how does it explain the most recent voting which put perhaps the worst singer of all Idol-dom in the top 4:

Secondly, how can they say that hundreds of thousands of potential voters have no influence on the outcome and then practically beg its audience to cast their individual votes to keep their favourites in?
I'll tell you how...they think their audience are complete idiots...and if you're one of the people casting votes (or reading this blog for that matter) they're probably right.