Gay Cowboys and Dangling Eyeballs
While my wife went out with her friends last weekend for a girls' night out, I made myself some popcorn and picked up a couple of videos to watch at home. I got Brokeback Mountain and Hostel. Its funny how good I thought both of these movies were when they are worlds apart from each other.
In my humble opinion, Brokeback deserved to win the best movie Oscar last year over Crash...and I loved Crash! Its a movie that will stick in my mind for a long long time, and not just because of the scenes of hot man-on-man action. It was horribly marketed when it was released in theatres, and that was a this on video if you get a chance!
Meanwhile, in Hostel, you have a movie that has been touted as a gorefest but is actually far more than that. If you watch a couple of times and get over the self indulgent blood-letting you will begin to see a well crafted look at mankind's constant need to fulfill any desire that pops up, and the underground elements that will use those desires to make a well as society's gradual acceptance of these fulfillments. This film examines the lines that are crossed gradually..from some harmless marijuana smoking (legally in Amsterdam), to prostitution (also legal in Amsterdam)...into paying to torture and kill another human being. But make no mistake, this is a horror movie made to gross you out. The bitter irony comes when the people looking to fulfill their own desires, become the victims of someone else's. That's also about the time the blow-torches come out to be used on the dangling-out-of-the-socket eyeballs. Good Times!!!
Oh and for those of you wondering, I've just been too lazy to write anything lately. That and I can't stop bitching about this fat piece of shit long enough to calm down and write anything.