Rants in Your Pants

A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I Can Only Imagine How He'll Kill Her This Time...

I like Eminem as much as the next white guy, but isn't this getting a bit ridiculous? I mean really, who can forget the charming lyrics to "Kim", which include the classic line: NOW BLEED BITCH BLEED....BLEED BITCH BLEED...BLEEEEEED!!!! So he gets back together with her, gets re-married a month later and now 3 months after that he's filing for divorce. Classy! I believe in about 10 years (maybe sooner) Haley will be the next Courtney Love. Not that we couldn't use another Courtney Love...I mean the current one will be long dead in 10 years...which reminds me, I need to start a death pool....


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