Just When You Think Things Can't Get Shittier....
As I alluded to in my last post, I've had a pretty bad couple of weeks. It got a lot worse a couple of days ago when my step-grandmother died. My grandmother on my father's side of the family died when I was 6...my grandfather remarried a couple of years later, so for the most part she was my grandmother for the last 25 years, and I loved her as such.
So, I spent today in the booming metropolis of Minto with my grandfather and the rest of that side of my family before attending a viewing just a couple of hours ago and then heading back home. On a somewhat amusing note, I find it funny how many people bring the grieving family food when there is a death. During the 6 hour period that I was at my grandfather's place, at least 5 different casseroles were dropped off...and numerous other baked goods. Why are casseroles the food choice for death?????