Something Personal
I have made it a habit to keep this blog relatively anonymous by not posting anything from my personal life but I thought I'd take a time-out from that trend and just post something a bit cathartic.
My father died almost 5 years ago (actually 5 years ago next week- Oct 2). He was known throughout the maritimes as one of the best candlepin bowlers to step into an alley.... for over 30 years, right up until his death. Apparently, last year a memorial bowling tournament was started in his name. Sounds good right? Sure, its wonderful and I'm proud. It would have been even better if someone had told either my mother or myself about it. I had to find out about it in the local newspaper was surprising...and to find it it was the "2nd annual" made it even more so.
I just thought I'd take this time to let whoever started it know that I do support it, but it would have been nice to be invited to attend...the same way I attended his events for 28 years of my life.
I'll end with this....cancer fucking sucks!!!! I encourage everyone to give to cancer research in the memory of a loved one (because we all know one that is either fighting or has succumb)...and take care of yourselves...stop smoking...wear your SPF your additives and preservatives.....and ladies, get to those self breast examinations...or grab a partner to help you if need know what to do, just do it!
RIP Dad (1946-2002)