Rants in Your Pants

A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

What Do Santa's Ass and Stephane Dion Have In Common?

...they're both featured in my "Lots of Nothing Post":

* Stephane Dion just won the Liberal leadership race. A pleasant surprise, and probably a great thing for the Liberals. Ignatief and Rae would have been easy targets for the conservatives and already carry some baggage with them. For instance, I heard they were caught humping in the bathroom last night after their final speeches. (originally written on Saturday, however they may have been doing it last night too.)

* The Maine Bureau of Liquor Enforcement, banned a beer called "Santa's Butt" because its label depicts ol' St. Nick chugging a mug of beer while going over his naughty/nice list. Last year the state of Connecticut did something similar to the same distributer for their "Seriously Bad Elf" ale. I think I will have to make a special trip south of the border before Xmas to get me some of these for collectors' items. Is this where the Maritime Brewing Company went? Oh Frosted Frog, where have you gone? **sniff sniff**

* I haven't downloaded a song in almost a month. I don't know what's wrong with me. Everything I listen to lately sounds drab and unoriginal. This usually signifies a switch back to hip hop listening for a while, but who knows. Maybe its time that I make that syntho-folk demo I've been promising myself and my fans for a while and finally show the world what's real!

* On another music note, check out The Killers' new holiday tune."A Great Big Sleigh". Good Stuff!..granted they could tape record themselves having a 5 minute long dump at this point and I would think it was musical genius...i think they're that damn good!

* Sometimes when I'm bored I stalk strangers I come across through various friend networks on Myspace. Its funny what some people will write for the whole world to see. Really personal juicy stuff, that no one should read except their closest friends. Funny thing is, I don't even have a MySpace account. God, i need life!

* So my hyperlink photo upload problem (see last post) is a very unique. Apparently, If I log right into the new Blogger Beta and start a post I don't have the ability to see the editing toolbar that allows me to do all this stuff. However, If I use the old login screen and get redirected to the new version, the toolbar appears. This makes me wish I had a nail gun pointed at my eye. Good times! Good Freakin' Times!


Blogger Ray Law said...

If it was a literal flaming bag of shit I wouldn't step on it to put it out, instead I'd throw De-Loused in The Comatorium on it and walk away knowing all was right with the world.

7:13 p.m.  

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