Rants in Your Pants

A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Everyone Is A Cowboy On The Internet

My buddy Kingbee recently got bitch-slapped by some right-wing hate monger after he tried to post on the lunatic's web site. Now, no one needs me defending them, especially the Bee...but I just thought I'd throw out a few thing's I find funny about the "Canadian Sentinal's" blog:

Everything! He's a fucking idiot! He definitely does have an "out-of-control sense of humour", if he thinks anything that he's written is remotely sane. I particularly like the style of writing...how everything has to be black or white, hate or love, right or wrong.. etc. Its..what do you call it?..Extreme!! Every good pamphlet should be written this way.

One more note I find particularly funny...after reading the chastising of my friend for using the "F-word", as some might find this offensive, I read a few comments on one of his posts. In one post string, after asking the question of why "Islamofascists use green" as their representative colour, he posted this: "Green, incidentally, is also the color people turn when they feel like barfing... and it's also the color of phlegm and boogers... yep, all those things come to mind when I think about Islamofascists, as well as certain brown stuff, too...". nice!, certainly far less offensive than the "f-word"..especially if you're a big fucking bigot!

Whatever you do don't hate this guy.....its what he wants you to do. In fact pass on the word about how funny he is. I'm only giving him the free advertising because he complains how his opinions are repressed. I want the whole world to know about him. CBC, find this guy and put him on TV!


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