Rants in Your Pants

A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Annual Jack-Off Festival

I've been busy lately (mainly this morning) carving a pumpkin for the newly adopted annual tradition of a Jack-O-Lantern carving contest between my wife and I. Last year's results are still in dispute. It wasn't an official contest then so the winner varies depending on who you ask. i.e. if you ask anyone who is not blind and/or stupid, mine was the best.

Stay tuned, I will be posting pictures of the final products this week and letting the internet public decide...because I know that only about 75% of the people who read my blog are blind and the other 1 is only stupid when he's wearing a red shirt.


Blogger Ray Law said...

The last time you 'reached back into your pocket and grabbed' somthing my cat ended up pregnant.

By the way, I can tell when you're wearing the red shirt, my gaydar goes nuts and I have the strongest craving for Arbor Mist.

10:24 a.m.  

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