Rants in Your Pants

A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Last Week's Check List

Basement Cleaning- *giggle*
Submit Deal or No Deal Application- I did, but with only a couple of hours to spare and I was a wee bit drunk. Under "worst things people who know you would say about you" I typed in "Likes to Start Fires". It seemed hilarious at the time.
Get Oil Changed and Tires Rotated on Both Vehicles- check!...but only because there were appointments. Oh by the way, both appointments took 2 1/2 hours! Ridiculous! I had to spend that time perusing the only two stores that are within walking distance: The Real Atlantic Superstore (Loblaws for you further west than east) and Staples.
Xmas Shopping- well I looked for stuff...mainly in the Superstore and Staples. Bought nothing.
Jogs with the family Dog- *giggling again*
Work Related Items- well I did think about work...until I had ingested enough alcohol, and I couldn't feel my conscience anymore.
Early Baby Pick-up- A little earlier than usual..maybe an hour or two.


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