Rants in Your Pants

A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

What's Wrong With Saturdays?

I downloaded some site visit stats from the Google Adsense dashboard today and after examining them I came to the following conclusions (can you tell that I'm a professional accounant?):

- Visitors aparently hate me on Saturdays (or perhaps just have better things to do). You would think that web traffic through this site would be fairly equal across all days of the week...maybe slightly higher during weekdays, when people are bored and at work. However, Saturday, specifically, is my slowest day...of the 15 lowest daily visist totals (all 1 visit in the day), 8 of them were on a Saturday.

- The most popular day for visiting this blog is on Friday!

- Based on the amount of posts I have in each month, I have determined that site visits spike when I actually post more...go figure!! Most of my site hits have come in the past 3 months, when I have made an effort to post 9-10 times a month.

- Site visits in the last 3 months are about 10x what they were in my first 3 months (meaning I genrally re-read my posts 6 times a day now instead of just once like I used to).

- I really need a new hobby!


Blogger Ray Law said...

or i might just find porn

3:19 p.m.  

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