Rants in Your Pants

A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.

Monday, October 02, 2006

I Got My Blog Caught in the Auger of Creativity

I have blogger's block today. I thought I'd just share that with you all, just to let you know that blogging isn't exactly an overabundance of lemurs and Venezuelan presidents. Sometimes I sit and read the news for hours on end and nothing uniquely funny nor worthwhile pops up to write about.

A few things to mention from recent news and my warped mind:

- I don't know if I'm more upset with all the school shootings going on or the morbid media coverage of the same. CNN is giving all these idiots the "blaze of glory" finale that they wanted when they set out on their gruesome missions. They're making every other teetering sociopath come one step closer to going over the edge.

- I don't care if Roger Clemens took steroids. I don't care of 80% of major league baseball took them or still takes them. The sport isn't all about power and muscle. Steroids do not improve hand-to-eye coordination, fielding, or throwing a decent breaking ball. Barry Bonds will probably break the career home run next year and I won't care about that either. Not because of the steroids thing, just because he's a prick. (best ball player of my lifetime so far, but a prick!)

- I hate myself for loving the fact that Justin Timberlake brought sexy back.

- I think Poutine is the most disgusting thing on the planet, next to Stephen Harper. but I would put a sign on my front lawn supporting the former before the latter.

I have to go drink a fruity cooler now and watch some mindless tv.



Blogger Ray Law said...

You disgust me, but you're so damn sexy. Justin is that you?

8:10 p.m.  

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