Rants in Your Pants

A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Did You Tell On Me?

My post about the packaging warning labels below got taken down off this site....but not be me. Unless its just another unexplained error of blogger (which it very well may be, they happen practically everytime I post anything) I can only assume that someone complained and administration had it removed. If that's the case they didn't tell me or warn me of inappropriate material or any complaints. So I reposted it.

Just in case there's any confusion, let me make a few points clear:

- My infant son and I don't wear plastic bags as helmets (not until he turns 15 and we start sniffing gas together)
- I have never had to slap my infant soon back to consciousness (or for any other reason)
- The only nozzle up my ass is the nozzle of apathy that spews forth from the vacuum cleaner of disdain
- The last comment is a metaphor. You should not try to clean up disdain with a vacuum, especially with a nozzle of apathy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried the bag helmet with my son and we turned out ok. I had no idea of the danger. Thanks!! oh by the way what are your thoughts on EMO. I googled it and only got pictures of Gay depressed teens that like to poke themselves with mental. I'm confessed

11:13 a.m.  
Blogger Ray Law said...

Another life saved...that makes at least 4 since I posted. EMO, huh? Well, my take is that everyone goes through a 'black' phase sometime in there life. Some are short some are long...mine was when I was a teenager..but then I got laid and started listening to Phil Collins (some would call this the REAL 'black' phase). The music associated with Emo is hit and miss with me...the angst does well with me though....

7:46 p.m.  

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