Rants in Your Pants

A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Jay Leno: Like getting your penis caught in your zipper.... but a lot less funny

There are many reasons I dislike Jay Leno. Like all true fans of Letterman I feel an obligation to hate him. If you're not sure what I'm talking about check out the movie Late Shift. But after reading an article about how he routinely apologizes for offending people with his humour I have to take a minute to reconsider whether I hate him as much as I should.

So what this article is telling me, is that whenever Leno tries to be edgy...which he really never is...he has to shrivel up into a spineless ball of laugh-less shit and apologize (personally apologize, no less) to every 60+ fan out there that still watches him.

I know there are lovers of Jay out there...and those people will inevitably point to the fact that Leno whips Letterman time and time again in the ratings. My personal theory on this is that the people who give him the ratings edge are the same people that give a Bush-lead government a majority win in an election.


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