Rants in Your Pants

A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

"Brigitte Bardot" Roughly Translated = 'Racist Biggot-Pig'

I can't believe I would give the likes of Brigitte Bardot any writing space in this blog, but I've been wanting to comment on the Canadian seal hunt for a while and I think she is the best target for my scorn. Did you know that this past week Ms Bardot came into Canada seeking a meeting with the PM to discuss the inhumanity of the annual seal hunt? As if he's the PM of Jamaica or something, and would stop everything on his schedule to accomodate her. (although when I think about, he's probably more likely to do something like this than any other PM we've had- Kim Campbell wouldn't have done it!). What's truly ironic about the situation is that the former French 'sex kitten' has been sued 3 times in her home country for alleged violations of human rights. She has published a book denouncing Islamic immigration into France, because of the way it 'erodes the French culture'.

Why would anybody listen to this moron? Shouldn't the fact that she's on the side of anti-seal hunting raise some alarms to those grups which might have a legitimate beef with the practise? I almost expect them to come out with campaigns that say stuff like... "Listen, we love the baby harp seals and all, and want to save as many as we can...but could you please ignore that crazy Bardot bitch...she's really not associated with us, in fact we'll make you a deal...we'll club and skin her alive if you drop the cull #s by a couple thousand" (I envision a Paul McCartney originally crafted song playing in the background...and Larry King doing the voice-over)

I love it when stupid people decide to take a stand on something. It amuses me greatly.


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