Rants in Your Pants

A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Jamaican Rum is the nectar of the Gods...Or it at Least Helps Me Cope With Work

I'm not saying I drink at work, or before work, but definitely after if its been a hard day. Appleton's Rum is one of my favourites. I drink most liquor straight, but this stuff is good by itself or with practically anything else (today's recipe is strawberry kiwi Crystal Lite mixed 1:5 with Appleton Original...good shit!). If there are 5 things Jamaicans know better than anyone its:
1. Weed
2. Spiced Rum
3. Coffee
4. Weed
5. Weed
(honourable mention goes to 'pot')

Seriously though, if you like spiced rum, pick some of this stuff up at your local Alcool. It kicks major ass. Ya Mon!

Oh, and congrats to Jamaica for electing its first female Prime minister. This news is actually a few weeks old but it is noteworthy in that it got me thinking about how many female presidents/leaders there have been around the world. Most sites I could find that document such things all neglect to mention Kim Campbell. Say what you will, but those 4 months she was Prime Minister in 1993 forever shaped the world I live in. The best quote from The Right Honourable Campbell during the election campaign that sealed her fate:
"an election is no time to discuss serious issues"
I couldn't agree more! (from an observers perspective that is) Unfortunately, not something that you should say out loud....during an election campaign anyway.


Blogger Ray Law said...

I will take you comments into account...but I think I'm pretty much confined to the template additions they allow me, unless I put in my own HTML script. That seems like way too much work.

But I'll start on the rum and Kim Campbell ones immediately.

7:55 a.m.  

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