Rants in Your Pants

A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Thanks guys!

As some of you might recall, I mentioned in passing earlier this fall that I am a huge Tennessee Titans fan (if you don't recall go find the post where I slam those bitches from DHL). Tennessee was in yet another rebuilding year this year and without long-time quarterback Steve McNair they started the season 0-5. But thanks to the magic that rookie QB Vince Young and (the best return man in football) CB Pacman Jones spun over the last several weeks, the Titans weren't officially eliminated from the playoffs until less than 2 hours ago...making this the longest into a season I've had something to really cheer for in football in a long time. I can't wait to see them get better next year.

Only one thing to say to Mr. Young: Its the big time now buddy, you don't cry when you lose a regular season game...or any game for that matter. Its like he had that saved up in case he lost either of the last two Rose Bowls (which, by the way, it is acceptable to cry after, but only if you're a senior) and felt he had to use it before he got too old.
Game Notes: New England Patriot Corey Dillon passed O.J. Simpson for 14th all-time in rushing in the game, and now he's the all-time leading rusher amoung guys who have also killed at least two people.


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