Rants in Your Pants

A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Does Neilson Rate Anger? They Should...

Have you ever watched something that completely infuriates you just because you like to get angry and shout at the tv about how stupid it is? Well, I have this problem with several tv shows. Here are a few examples:

Judge Judy- Stick to case and the law, and away from the lectures bitch!

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition- Yes, it is nice that you’re helping that one down-on-their-luck family, but how far would that $2.0M (spent on their home) go to feeding the homeless? I always wonder out loud, when my wife makes me watch this, how many children around the world are dying of hunger as they put the finishing touches to the special NASCAR room for the oldest teenager. Oh, and Ty Pennington getting arrested for DUI is absolutely classic….the only way it could be better is if he hit a bus full of cub scouts of something. Nothing against Cub Scouts, I’m just getting tired of everyone thinking he’s an angel of some sort just because Disney throws bags of money at him, and holds out on giving him his ADHD medication.

The Amazing Race- the concept is good, and the first couple of seasons were solid….but I hate the fact that at some point during every stage of the race they pretty much make all the teams catch-up to one another, so that really only the last quarter of the race counts for anything.

Anyway, I’m ready to add another one to the list. Larry King is by far the most ridiculous excuse for a talk show host ever! Anytime I see his show, he asks the most moronic questions, and doesn’t seem to have a clue about the subject matter he’s discussing. It annoys the hell out of me. Here’s a made up, but entirely probable, transcript of a typical King interview:

Larry King: Tonight we have the remaining cast of Dancing With the Stars
- Joey Fatone, you’re used to being on stage, how is this different?

Fatone- Well its something that doesn’t come as naturally…

Larry King- As naturally as stripping or pole dancing?

Fatone- What?

Larry King- What was it like growing up in Boston?

Fatone- I’m from Brooklyn..

Larry King- How about them Dodgers?

Fatone- the Dodgers have played in L.A. since 1957

Larry King- I was arrested once, let’s go to commercial…

Irritating as all get-out!!!...but somehow the idiocy of it all keeps me coming back for more and more anger.


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