Rants in Your Pants

A way to vent my frustrations, that DOESN'T involve setting things on fire.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

FaceBook: Sucking My Ceative Energy, Like An Internet Whore

I don't think I find facebook.com as addicting as some do. I don't feel the need to be on it all the time, or to constantly check my "minifeed" for activity. However, it is getting to me in a different way lately..... I find that the time I spend replying to messages, posting on walls, surfing across different friend networks, and just generally trying to be 'on my game', is completely sucking all my creative energy from me. At the end of the day, I want to blog, but I am completely spent...and I don't have the desire to research things to shout about....or, to rant on meaninglessly about nothing for that matter.

I fear facebook is going to kill my blog...I might have to quit it cold turkey. Then again, it does give me an advertising outlet for this shit that I write here. Oh, what to do?...what to do..?

This is the most time I've spent thinking about anything this seriously since the last time I developed a way to cheat at Pictionary. By the way, why is it that girls are so bad at Pictionary?...and by "bad" I don't mean artistically, I mean they don't notice that I'm whispering to my teammates the actual words that are suppose to drawn during the "All Play"s......you would think that they would clue in that we always guess the answer after 5 seconds and all that's been drawn is a ball on a stick......its the same ball and stick combo no matter what the word...I mean really, come on girls!!!


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